I don't much keep up with high school people (with a few very important exceptions, of course). It was
so long ago and I had severe
wallflower syndrome (identified by the fact that everyone I knew didn't know me). In fact, I'm certain that since I last saw these people, they have gone through several physical changes and personality iterations such that I am doubtful I would even recognize most of them. Regardless, it's always interesting to learn where everyone is, what they are doing, are they married, knocked up, etc. It is that morbid curiosity that I believe most people to possess when it comes to their high school classmates.
So, when it recently came to my attention that a boy with whom I went to high school and shared many a French conversation was the lead singer in a band, I had to hear more. Now, when I say 'band' I'm not speaking of a few guys who work part-time at Best Buy and/or Starbucks and jam in a garage and/or basement on the weekend. I am talking about a real band with a real tour schedule, whose songs you can buy on iTunes and who just played at the
Great American Music Hall.
Um, that's pretty cool.
Aberdeen City.