Email forwards in college were somewhat of a novelty, which was relatively easy seeing that the internet and
any email content were also exciting and new. Yet, after a little while, all the dancing-baby-needle-in-the-gas-pump-tell-us-your-favorite-color-friend-and-number-and-we'll-tell-you-who-your-future-husband-is-but-you-must-forward-this-on-to-7-people-as-soon-as-possible-otherwise-someone-will-die-or-you'll-have-bad-luck-forever-and-won't-get-a-check-for-$100-from-Microsoft emails became tedious and trite. So, with the exception of my mummy, who still finds them endlessly entertaining and feels the need to pass them along to her children (and someone called 'smackfam') or she might be cursed with the demonic destiny as dictated by the email, we delete them.
However, I was recently sent a forward by my dear friend, Mike 'Collars Up' Crittenden, that I took the time to open (Michael is such a fastidious forwarder, that I can trust the content of his emails will not be frivolous). Demonic destiny, indeed! What I discovered was a link to an online gallery of
Demonic Tots and Deeply Disturbing Cuisine, which kept me entertained for a few hours and left me pondering the marketing wonders that are American consumer goods for even a few hours more.