In spite of my recent, very successful attempts at downsizing my posessions I hit a road-block when confronted with my curious and quaint collection of cards and letterhead. No matter how hard I tried, I could not bring myself to throw away the Easter cards, Bon Voyage letterpress notelets and French General sticker set (for embellishing my letters to penpals). Blank and in mint condition it somehow seems wrong to be throwing away so much potential! And who knows when I might want to send a 4th of July card, Pilgrim cards or forlorn letters to a lover on scented and monogrammed paper?!?!
I'm furious with myself. To make matters worse, I just pretend-spent my mock millions ($132 to be exact) on Crest and Tuppence stationery at 16 Sparrows.
I suppose the first step is admitting you have a problem.