I am going to add to this list of oft-overlooked talents Grocery Bagging Aptitude.
It is infuriating when Baggers breezily toss your V8 on top of your Avocados and equally so when they stuff every single heavy item into one bag (albeit double-bagged). Then, they have the audacity to ask if you would like help outside. One day I will say 'yes' and they can see for themselves just how far a 1/2mm-thick piece of plastic will transport 3 wine bottles, a half-gallon of milk, orange juice and two magazines. Not far, my friend! Not far!
There is hope though for Baggers (and shoppers) across they nation. They can look to the incomparable Jason Zitko of Missouri who recently won the 2006 National Best Baggers Contest. He was graded on bag building, weight distribution, style, attitude and appearance in both Plastic and Paper heats. I love this unerring focus championed by the NGA (National Grocers Association)! Indeed, Grocers around the country (specifically the Safeway on Church Street in San Francisco, please) can hold their own Bagging Contests to teach their Baggers just the skills that Jason possesses.
Well done, Jason! You're an inspiration to us all!