Those of you readers who know me (and let's be realistic as to how we define 'readers;' Mom, I would hope that you know me) are well aware that my skin tone resembles that of bleached rice. This naturally presents a problem when exposed to heat or light in any form, be it sun, heat lamps or some 75-watt bulbs held at close range. In less time than it takes for me to fall in love with a pair of shoes, my skin has turned red and blotchy and developed adorable freckles, warning me that I am essentially slow-roasting and will soon be in extreme, burning pain. Unfortunately, these symptoms are most easily viewed in relative darkness (i.e.
after coming inside from sitting in the sun).
Now, thanks to some fellow, skin-cancer conscious Brits, who understand my
Ivory Tower immurement so to speak, I can have my very own 'done-o-meter' and truly cook to perfection like a Thanksgiving Turkey. The
UV Meter monitors your exposure to sun and UV rays and beeps to indicate when you've baked long enough (about 3 minutes...I'm a medium-rare girl after all).
Genius. Stick a fork in me, I'm done.