Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Skip Goes to Sonoma

My Memorial Day weekend was spent, appropriately, with members of the military; my lovely and bestest friend Kristin and the General. As seems standard when the four of us are together, we decided a trip to Wine Country was in order. It started at the delicious Barndiva for a quickie brunch and then we embarked on a vineyard marathon, 6 wineries in 4 hours. (For those of you seeking wine recommendations from my incredibly sophisticated palate, I suggest Chateau Souvereign and Christopher Creek.)

Thankfully for all our wits, Monday was spent at a more leisurely pace. We hit up St. Francis and Blackstone and capped it off at the inimitable Chateau St. Jean. It was most divine!

All in all, not a bad way to spend a weekend.