I have decided that instead of recapping the humorous, witty, insightful and directive posts over the past 12 months (which would be glorious, I understand) I would offer up some Skips About Town fun-facts.
(1) My blog is a Leo. Leo's are extravagant and stubborn. Perfect for my blog. Though apparently, my blog and I also make a cosmic hot-burner of a pairing (I'm a Scorpio, clearly) and I can't decide if that is good or bad. Other famous Leo's are Jennifer Lopez, Iman, Martha Steward, Mick Jagger and Bill Clinton. What pleasant company for my blog!
(2) There have been 203 posts to-date not including this birthday pressie post for my fair readers. I'm slightly impressed and very much so frightened at how much time and energy I must have expended on this thing. Hmmm...
(3) My blog prefers to stay high-level and out of the realm of celebrity gossip. I don't want to touch on the pandora's box that is celeb fodder for blogs but rather I'd like to focus on superficial things like product placement (thank you, Dan, a.k.a. Splinter) and my Wish Lists with the occasional funny-ha-ha and funny-weird website thrown in for kicks. I'm not about to make my blog a diary of personal problems either because frankly readers, it's none of your business. You can look to the Young Mammy if you want to empathize with a whiny blogger.
(4) Reader requests are not allowed. If you ask to be mentioned on Skips About Town, you are on the blacklist. Get your own blog if you truly want to express yourself through the written word (and hyperlinks to stuff).
Otherwise, here's to another year of Skip! Happy Birthday to me!