Whatever our whim was ours' for the asking (taking). Feel like some port by the fire in the cottage? No problem. Fancy some s'mores by the campfire? Coming right up. Like a special kind of expensive whiskey? Here you are, 'on the rocks,' just like you want it. It was literally like we had died and gone to heaven. To boot, everything was totally, 100% paid for. We had massages in the spa, enjoyed facials and body wraps, went white water rafting, rode bikes, played golf and dined like kings (or many kings, I'm pretty sure I gained 10 pounds while there). I even fell in love with a brownie recipe in one of our gourmet packed lunches for which they promptly sent me the recipe (see below).
I cannot wait until next year's event. RTT is lobbying for the South of France.
Blackberry Farm's
yield: ½ sheet pan
1c. butter
1c. white chocolate
3 ½ c. brown sugar
Whisk in:
4 ea. Eggs
1T vanilla
In another bowl, mix together:
2 c. Flour
4t baking powder
2t salt
Zest of 2 lemons
Whisk with wet ingredients and fold in:
2c. fresh blueberries
1 ½ c. white chocolate, chopped
Spread in a foil lined ½ sheet pan (***Fold foil up or there may be oozing***).
1c. butter
1c. white chocolate
3 ½ c. brown sugar
Whisk in:
4 ea. Eggs
1T vanilla
In another bowl, mix together:
2 c. Flour
4t baking powder
2t salt
Zest of 2 lemons
Whisk with wet ingredients and fold in:
2c. fresh blueberries
1 ½ c. white chocolate, chopped
Spread in a foil lined ½ sheet pan (***Fold foil up or there may be oozing***).
Bake at 325 for approximately 35 minutes or until springs back in center.