RTT and I had the lovely lovely pleasure of attending the Miss Mary Woodard (now Mrs. Mary Smith) wedding celebration in Houston, TX this past Saturday. The Houston heat and humidity and an eerie feeling that concrete was slowly eating the city alive were such a burden to bear for four whole days (I was actually looking forward to my return to boring Boston). On the other hand, the welcoming spirit of its hosts, decadent Southern food and friends aplenty made the entire trip completely worthwhile.
More than anything, though, it was Mary's stunning performance as the bride that made me melt with happiness, sink with euphoric love, and smile with sincere jubilation. She was the picture of perfection -- beatific, humble, unbelievably gorgeous, statuesque and graceful. It was as if she floated on an air of earnest, genuine love for Jonathan. I cried. I was dazzled. Star-struck.
Truly. We should all be so lucky to experience the warm halo of such a dear friend's wedding.