All I can tell you is that the rumors are's a veritable Gorgan-ish, haphazard existence entirely consumed by dogs and "their breeding." Sanity makes way for show dogs. Literally, these people are crazy.
However, as I, myself, teeter on the precipice of puppy-numbing lunacy (i.e. spending all my clothes money on organic toys, intelligent toys, retro leashes, cute crates, crate covers, clickers, fire hydrant dog tags, nutrious treats, etc. before even welcoming darling Rigby into my home), I have a certain modicum of empathy for these dog obsessed folk. In fact, I've become rather taken with one Frenchie breeder's puppy preoccupation with her up-and-coming French Bulldog show dog, Beignet.
Seriously, never will you experience such tragic, dog infatuation combined with incomprehensible fascination until you have viewed Beignet's cinematic masterpieces. They are brilliant and intoxicating. They are addictive and adorable. They include slow-motion-Beignet-running sequences that will make you weep! You simply must watch them (soundtrack included).
Click here and scroll down to view Beignet in action.