Sunday, August 10, 2008

Hard Knocks

There are several reasons I look forward to August; the alluring temptation of new Fall television in those rarely seen commercials (thank you, Tivo), the deliciously fat September fashion issues of my favorite magazines to pour over, clip and covet, and the new season of HBO's football documentary, Hard Knocks (which precludes and hints at football's seasonal spectacle to come).

While I have always, and sometimes embarrassingly, been a big fan of mass market television entertainment (i.e. The Office, Friends, 90210, and most sheepishly, American Idol), HBO's sports centered drama has it all...comedy, histrionics, tears, torture, big muscles, and a deep throated, theatrical narrative that belies the ridiculous sums of money all these men are actually playing for...It's basically amazing.

Dear readers, please, please, please watch this show! It will make you love the sport as much as I do....and, by the way, T. O. is totally a good way.

PS- Hi, Ben.