Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Skip Goes to Sonoma

My Memorial Day weekend was spent, appropriately, with members of the military; my lovely and bestest friend Kristin and the General. As seems standard when the four of us are together, we decided a trip to Wine Country was in order. It started at the delicious Barndiva for a quickie brunch and then we embarked on a vineyard marathon, 6 wineries in 4 hours. (For those of you seeking wine recommendations from my incredibly sophisticated palate, I suggest Chateau Souvereign and Christopher Creek.)

Thankfully for all our wits, Monday was spent at a more leisurely pace. We hit up St. Francis and Blackstone and capped it off at the inimitable Chateau St. Jean. It was most divine!

All in all, not a bad way to spend a weekend.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Congrats to the Grad

Congratulations to my Penny!

Skip is Obsessed with the Gecko

Much of this past weekend with my family was spent reenacting the Geico Gecko commercials; like pre-pubescent children repetitively singing inane Take That songs (or wait, maybe that was just me), my Dad, sister and I incessantly imitated the Gecko complete with his newly found Cockney accent. And, guess what? It never got old! 'Cup of tea? How's your Mum? Cheers.' It was awesome! Each iteration was more funny than the last.

I think my mom may have developed a twitch, but...'pie and chips. I mean, who doesn't like pie and chips?' Ha ha ha.

You can watch them all at Geico.

Monday, May 15, 2006


Even when I have no idea what is being said, videos of people falling never get old. Ever.

Watch Edgar here.

Skip Loves Another Mat(t)

Awhile back I attended the Matt Nathanson concert at the Swedish American Music Hall (resembling a Nordic moose lodge/high school gym). I have since slacked so completely on posting my laudation of his music and comic quips that I've decided to simply and sheepishly post the set list from the evening.

Car Crash * Bare * Solace and Pain * Bent into Such Great Heights* Princess into Pretty In Pink * Peace, Love, and Understanding * Don't Stop Believing * Lost Myself In Search Of You * Detroit Waves * Curve of the Earth * Pretty The World * Angel * I Saw * Answering Machine * Bullet Proof Weeks * Suspended (encore)

PS- My laziness is most certainly not a reflection of my impressions of the show. I have vowed, in fact, to attend any concert he plays in San Francisco. I was most entertained and anyone who covers The Psychedelic Furs is cool.

PPS- I am well aware of the inconsistencies in my photographic talents. There is no need to point it out...again.

Skip's Bridge Portfolio

I'm getting so good at this. I'm going to start offering my services at weddings and Bat Mitzvahs.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Skip Gets Cooked

Those of you readers who know me (and let's be realistic as to how we define 'readers;' Mom, I would hope that you know me) are well aware that my skin tone resembles that of bleached rice. This naturally presents a problem when exposed to heat or light in any form, be it sun, heat lamps or some 75-watt bulbs held at close range. In less time than it takes for me to fall in love with a pair of shoes, my skin has turned red and blotchy and developed adorable freckles, warning me that I am essentially slow-roasting and will soon be in extreme, burning pain. Unfortunately, these symptoms are most easily viewed in relative darkness (i.e. after coming inside from sitting in the sun).

Now, thanks to some fellow, skin-cancer conscious Brits, who understand my Ivory Tower immurement so to speak, I can have my very own 'done-o-meter' and truly cook to perfection like a Thanksgiving Turkey. The UV Meter monitors your exposure to sun and UV rays and beeps to indicate when you've baked long enough (about 3 minutes...I'm a medium-rare girl after all).

Genius. Stick a fork in me, I'm done.

Skip's Little Pal

She is literally the most precious baby ever.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Skip is a Shoe Addict

Surprise, surprise. I am seriously considering selling one of my cats to buy these shoes. They are so 1940's-preppy-chic-rocker-girl shoes. I love them!


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Skip Can't Keep a Straight Face

Honestly, this just gets better and better.

A Skill Skip Seeks

In everyday life there are many under-appreciated skills that, when lacking, result in disproportionate frustration and the uncouth use of expletives: the ability to use one's indicator (turn signal, whatever), command of queuing rules, parking proficiency in all its aberrations, adherence to noise ordinances (that's right, 2am Motorcycle Freak, I hear you every night), numchuck skills, etc., all come to mind.

I am going to add to this list of oft-overlooked talents Grocery Bagging Aptitude.

It is infuriating when Baggers breezily toss your V8 on top of your Avocados and equally so when they stuff every single heavy item into one bag (albeit double-bagged). Then, they have the audacity to ask if you would like help outside. One day I will say 'yes' and they can see for themselves just how far a 1/2mm-thick piece of plastic will transport 3 wine bottles, a half-gallon of milk, orange juice and two magazines. Not far, my friend! Not far!

There is hope though for Baggers (and shoppers) across they nation. They can look to the incomparable Jason Zitko of Missouri who recently won the 2006 National Best Baggers Contest. He was graded on bag building, weight distribution, style, attitude and appearance in both Plastic and Paper heats. I love this unerring focus championed by the NGA (National Grocers Association)! Indeed, Grocers around the country (specifically the Safeway on Church Street in San Francisco, please) can hold their own Bagging Contests to teach their Baggers just the skills that Jason possesses.

Well done, Jason! You're an inspiration to us all!

Monday, May 01, 2006

For Your Education; Part I

Just thought I'd offer some quotation nuggets for your reading pleasure...

'We're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.' Oscar Wilde

'The world is full of willing people, some willing to work, the rest willing to let them.' Robert Frost

'As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.' Johann Goethe

'Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most.' Marianne Williamson

More quotes at


This past weekend was spent lazily lolling about Monterey (this statement does not include the General who completed a marathon in the morning) with my bestest friend Kristin. We had brunch, visited some incredibly impressive vineyards with even more breathtaking views, ate a delish dinner and had a midnight dance party.

Other than my 2nd-degree burns, it was perfect.

More pics at Ofoto.

Skip's Bridge Pic

In no way do I think this picture is any reflection on my talents as a (amateur) photographer, but rather it demonstrates the enduring, extraordinary beauty of this city. It would have been impossible for me to have taken a bad photo with this evening's view.