Saturday, November 05, 2005

Sentimental Skip

Being single probably makes me ill-equipped to comment on marriage (and divorce). However, ignorance has never stopped me from forcing my opinions in the past so I'm not sure why I would stop now.

I don't presume that many people get married with the intent of getting divorced (unless they really like getting presents, but that seems quite an expensive way to get a waffle-maker and crystal wine goblets). Yet, as misanthropists among us like to opine about 50% of these marriages, even romantics must admit that some couples just don't make it through the battle...they just battle.

For those folks they can find some anger relief by melting down their wedding ring into a bullet.

Seriously. Goddammo.

I'm not sure who decided this would provide the ultimate revanche, but I'm a little disturbed by the sentiment.