Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Skip Loves Jack's Mannequin

I love a good story nearly as much as I love a good song (though I don't necessarily enjoy listening to the former on repeat as I do the latter). So, you can imagine my delight when I heard the story behind and the music of the band Jack's Mannequin.

The band was originally created in 2004 as a side project of the super adorable slash scruffy Andrew McMahon of the group Something Corporate. He released one album under his new band name but then was diagnosed with leukemia shortly thereafter and took a 2-year hiatus from music. Throughout his treatment he penned inspired piano ballads that were included on his latest, September 2008 album The Glass Passenger.

Now, I well know that I tend to get overly excited about a lot of bands and a lot of music, but trust me on this one, dear readers! The result of Andrew's physical and emotional peril is a heartfelt, earnest collection of California surfer piano anthems that both darken and delight the spirit and upset and enlighten soul. It's music that makes you want to turn up the volume and belt out the, maybe that's just me.

No. Seriously, buy this album.