Thus, in a futile attempt to make up for the past 60 days, I present, The Great Unblogged Stories of 2006 (or, what-I-should-have-been-posting-over-the-course-of-November-n'-December).
(1) Readers; run, R-U-N, to see the movie 'Beerfest.' While not as laughably front-loaded as the glorious 'Super Troopers,' the film consistently delivers riotous rants and one-liners to keep you on stage for hours. Of course it helped that the ever-fabulous Lauren Lawson was my co-screener....
(2) The success of the Bears (see Skip is Magic) has not come without a price. At each game they have unsettled my every nerve! The Pats vs. Bears re-enactment of a Pee Wee game practically brought me to my knees with heart palpitations and the recent match against the Seahawks required my use of a paper lunch bag. I can only hope that this dire frustration comes to an end soon...either with the Saints or a ring.
(3) December 2006 was marked by the world's stupidest question ever asked in the history of questions. Apparently, an assistant's 'friend' purchased one (the right one) size 7 wellington boot at our Winter sample sale for $4. Let's overlook the obvious wonderment at someone buying one boot...This assistant then asked me if I happened to have the left boot in the same size and color and offered that her 'friend' would be willing to pay $4 for it. I mean, really? There are definitely stupid questions.
(4) I recommend that everyone take a trip to VinoVenue. I might be a little late to the wine tech party here, but the idea that you can go from machine to machine and try endless wines seems to me like a fairly ingenious invention. There should be more gizmos created for wine consumption. PS- It's quite the way to pass a blustery San Francisco winter day.
(5) While not so immodest a football fan, I had never actually been to a game...until recently. The ever-crafty RTT snagged us midfield, 10th row seats to a 49'ers game (vs. the Packers) and it was amazing...I mean outside the fact that the 49'ers stink and Alex Smith is a midget. It was still well worth the traffic.
(6) Everyone should take a gander at doe-eyed, youngster James Morrison, a soulful singer (and English kindred spirit) who has released an album of lovely jazzy melodies that reminds you of Spring and anticipate the lazy Summer (which is seriously not that far away...clearly, as demonstrated by my blogging absence, time flies).